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John Mattern Alumni Award for Faculty

The John Mattern Award is named for the first headmaster of the school, an educator renowned for his ability to inspire and influence students and faculty alike.

The award recognizes a former faculty member who has provided an exceptionally high degree of individual attention to, and concern for, students in all areas of school life.

Carmenza Vasquez, Mattern Award for Alumni Honoree 2024


2024 Honoree
Carmenza Vásquez

Carmenza Vásquez, born in Colombia, has lived in Switzerland since 2001 and considers it her second home. Her involvement with ZIS as a teacher and parent has been a significant part of her life. At ZIS, she experienced some of her happiest professional moments, teaching engaged students and forming lasting friendships with colleagues.

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The Award

At Zurich International School – previously the American International School of Zurich (AISZ) and the International Primary School of Zurich (IPSZ) – there have been many extraordinary faculty members throughout our nearly 60-year history, teachers valued for their subject knowledge, teaching style, joy of working with students in and outside of the classroom, and extraordinary communication and mentoring skills.

The alumni of ZIS, along with the school, will honor these talented educators annually through the John Mattern Award.


The honored faculty member will:

  • receive a prize of CHF 1,500 (funding provided by generous alumni donors)
  • be invited to campus and honored at a reception in his or her honor
  • speak before students and faculty and attend classes
  • be featured in ZIS communications and webpage
  • attend alumni events locally and globally, as available


  • Every year, nominations for the award can be submitted by alumni, including former students, parents, faculty, and staff, as well as current parents. These nominations can be in written, audio, or video format and must adhere to specific criteria
  • A committee of alumni will select the final winner in May based on the nominations
  • The honoree will be announced later in the spring


The 2024 Committee

The following alumni serve on the John Mattern Alumni Award for Faculty committee. They select the honoree based on the nominations submitted by all alumni and current parents each year.

Ceyda Avunduk, Class of 2001 
Finn Borg, Class of 1974 
Christina Haupt, Class of 2010 
Harry Korine, Class of 1980 
Suzanne Rapetti-Hunsicker, Class of 1982
Tristan Upton, Class of 2014
Lisa Lyle, Director

ZIS Voices panel

Tony Keys - 2023

"He managed to take my least favourite and academically worst subject and make it so fun and engaging. I went from having a D in Maths to consistently getting an A. He was one of the teachers that you could go to for anything and he would have a chat with you and help out in anyway whatsoever."

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Tony Keys

Tony Keys

ZIS John Mattern Award for Alumni Faculty

Tony joined ZIS in 2003 and, over his 19-years, undertook various roles, including serving as the Head of the Department.