Students in Grades 9-12 complete a rigorous and balanced program of studies in English, History, World Languages, Mathematics, Science, Creative Arts, and Physical Education/Health.
Academic Program in Grades 9 and 10
In Grades 9 and 10, courses have been created by Upper School teachers to ensure that students are well prepared to enroll in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma progam, and access Advanced Placement (AP) courses or ZIS courses in Grades 11 and 12.
Academic Pathways in Grades 11 and 12
In Grades 11 and 12 there are two pathways toward graduation: the ZIS and IB Diploma pathway, and the ZIS Diploma with AP and ZIS courses. Both of these options allow students to pursue their interests and challenge themselves and to meet the requirements for diverse university programs prepared for success in post-secondary education.
- The ZIS and IB Diploma Pathway: Students earn a ZIS Diploma by enrolling in seven classes and working toward the IB Diploma.
- The ZIS Diploma with ZIS and AP Courses: Students earn a ZIS Diploma by enrolling in a combination of AP courses and ZIS courses created by ZIS faculty. In some instances it is possible for students to enroll in individual two-year IB courses as well.
Please note: the availability of courses may depend on student interest, staffing and scheduling constraints.
Curriculum by Subject Area 2025/26
- Creative Arts (Visual Arts)
- Creative Arts (Music & Theater)
- English
- English as an Additional Language (EAL)
- Mathematics
- Physical Education
- Science
- Social Studies
- World Languages
- Learning Support
- Virtual High School & Independent Study
Creative Arts (Visual Arts)
The goal of the Creative Arts Curriculum Area is to involve students in the process of studying and producing Art, Music and Theater, to develop inquiring and knowledgeable young people able to locate their ideas within historical and cultural contexts. Theory and practice in the Arts are dynamic and constantly changing, challenging students to explore new possibilities for creative expression. Engagement in the Arts provides students with an opportunity to develop a critical and personal view of themselves in relation to the world.
Grade 9
Grade 11-12 ZIS and IB Diploma Pathway
(2-year course)
(2-year course)
Grade 11-12 - ZIS Diploma with ZIS and AP Courses
Creative Arts (Music & Theater)
The goal of the Creative Arts Curriculum Area is to involve students in the process of studying and producing Art, Music and Theater, to develop inquiring and knowledgeable young people able to locate their ideas within historical and cultural contexts. Theory and practice in the Arts are dynamic and constantly changing, challenging students to explore new possibilities for creative expression. Engagement in the Arts provides students with an opportunity to develop a critical and personal view of themselves in relation to the world.
Grade 9 Music
Grade 9 Theater
Grade 10 Music
Grade 10 Theater
Grades 9-12 Music Performance-Based Courses
Performance based classes for Grades 9-12 may be repeated.
Grades 11-12 Music
Grades 11-12 Theater
ZIS and IB Diploma Pathway
(2-year course)
ZIS Diploma with ZIS and AP Courses
(semester course)
(semester course)
(2-year course)
ZIS and IB Diploma Pathway
(2-year course)
ZIS Diploma with ZIS and AP Courses
The goal of the English Curriculum Area is to create literate, inquisitive learners who can successfully negotiate an increasingly complex, information-rich world. Students will acquire and refine specific skills and strategies in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing and will use these skills and strategies widely as tools for learning and creative response. Exploring a variety of texts and genres, students will understand and appreciate language, literature, and media as catalysts for deep reflection and inspiration.
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 9-12 English Electives
(elective in addition to Grade 10: may be taken as AP Seminar, may be repeated as AP Research)
Grade 11-12 ZIS and IB Diploma Pathway
(2-year course)
(2-year course)
(2-year course)
(2-year course)
Grade 11-12 - ZIS Diploma with ZIS and AP Courses
English as an Additional Language (EAL)
The mission of the Mathematics Curriculum Area is to implement a balanced and rigorous instructional program that provides ALL students with the opportunities, experiences and resources to be successful. The expectation is that ALL students will become proficient in basic computational and procedural skills, develop conceptual understanding, and become adept problem solvers. The goals of the Mathematics Curriculum Area are twofold:
- To implement a coherent, school-wide conceptual and standards-driven mathematics program.
- To provide instructional and professional support to all teachers, so that ALL students will achieve proficiency and have the prerequisite skills for advanced mathematics courses.
These goals are supported strategically through four program components:
- The development and use of grade-specific instructional units.
- The support of teachers with targeted professional development and a commitment to working with external consultants.
- The use and analysis of formative periodic assessments.
- The use of assessment data to focus and implement immediate intervention where students most need help.
Note: The sequence of courses below represents a typical progression, however, students can be placed in courses according to need and ability irrespective of Grade level.
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11-12 ZIS and IB Diploma Pathway
Grade 11-12 - ZIS Diploma with ZIS and AP Courses
Courses following from Math 2A |
(2-year course)
(2-year course)
Courses following from Math 2B |
(2-year course)
(2-year course)
(2-year course)
Courses following from Math 2C |
Physical Education
The goal of the Physical Education Curriculum Area is to encourage all students to develop their own physical, intellectual, emotional, social maturity, and moral wellbeing through a broad and balanced activities program. Students will learn how to demonstrate basic physical skills and concepts, and then successfully apply them in more complex and realistic contexts. Each student will be given challenges in a variety of traditional and alternative activities, with experience to achieve success and reach their potential within a safe environment, where managed risk-taking is encouraged. We encourage our students to care about their physical fitness and to develop an understanding and appreciation of the importance of an active, healthy, and safety-conscious lifestyle. We engage our students to relate to others in a positive manner and experience opportunities to take on the responsibility of leadership roles, while performing as individuals, in groups and in teams.
Grade 9
Grade 10
The goal of the Science Curriculum Area is to provide stimulating instruction and quality resources that will guide our students towards becoming scientifically literate citizens. We believe that in order to function effectively in and contribute positively to society, young people need to have a strong basic knowledge of natural phenomena and the underlying scientific processes. Through our curriculum, our students will learn to use their knowledge to evaluate the quality of scientific information on the basis of its source and the methods used for its generation. Our selection of course offerings allows students to follow their own interests as they develop their skills in research, observation and experimentation. Our Science curriculum fosters inquiry into how science influences the world around us and promotes a view of science as a global pursuit.
Grade 9
Grade 10
Students choose EITHER Coordinated Science II OR any two of Honors Biology, Honors Chemistry, AP Physics 1, (AP) Computer Science Principles, AP Computer Science A, Sports Science.
(With teacher recommendation)
Grade 9 Science Electives
Grade 10 Science Electives
Grade 11-12 ZIS and IB Diploma Pathway
(2-year course)
(2-year course)
(2-year course)
(2-year course)
(2-year course)
(2-year course)
(2-year course)
(2-year course)
(2-year course, science credit)
(2-year course, science credit)
(2-year course)
Grade 11-12 - ZIS Diploma with ZIS and AP Courses
(2-year course, science credit)
(2-year course, science credit)
(2-year course)
(2-year course)
(2-year course)
Social Studies
The Social Studies department will foster critical, caring, creative, and well-informed students who understand the past and how it shapes the present; how humans interact with the earth; how scarce resources are utilized; and how to appreciate wisdom. The Social Studies department thus offers a wide variety of Social Studies subjects that teach core competencies and concepts. These courses reflect the talents and passions of the current staff to ensure the highest quality of instruction and learning experience.
Grade 9
Grade 10
Select History II or AP World History
(semester course)
(semester course)
(semester course)
(semester course)
Grade 11-12 ZIS and IB Diploma Pathway
(2-year course)
(2-year course)
(2-year course)
(2-year course)
(2-year course)
Grade 11-12 - ZIS Diploma with ZIS and AP Courses
(semester course)
(semester course)
(semester course)
(semester course)
World Languages
The goal of the World Language Curriculum is to promote global citizenship. Since globalization, mobility and communication bring the world ever closer together, individuals who have language abilities can thereby provide their own nation or community with an insider’s view into foreign cultures and give insights into other perspectives on international situations and current events. A person competent in other languages can bridge the gap between cultures, contribute to international diplomacy, promote national security and world peace, and successfully engage in international business.
ZIS Language Policy
ZIS encourages multilingualism as a tremendous asset for life in a globalised world. To this end, ZIS requires that all students study a language other than English for at least two years. Though ZIS is not a bilingual school, we strongly encourage, and support students in developing language skills and conceptual understanding in their mother tongue. Swiss law requires that all students study German until the end of Grade 9. ZIS recognises that language develops along a continuum and organises the progression of language courses accordingly. The language acquisition track develops foreign language acquisition abilities up to the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference where language learners transition to the fluent speaker track. In accordance with these principles and with IB guidelines for language placement: Language B courses are intended for: — Foreign language learners up to the B2 level Language A courses are intended for the following students: — Fluent speakers — Non mother tongue speakers who have reached near native fluency (B2 level).
Language Acquisition up to B2 |
Grades 9-12
Grades 11-12
(2-year course)
(2-year course)
(2-year course)
(2-year course)
(2-year course)
(2-year course)
(2-year course)
(2-year course)
(2-year course)
Acquired Fluency B2 |
Grades 11-12
(2-year course)
(2-year course)
(2-year course)
(2-year course)
(2-year course)
(2-year course)
(2-year course)
Learning Support
Virtual High School & Independent Study
Graduation Requirements
Graduation requirements are established and revised by the Upper School administration in consultation with the faculty, and are subject to approval by the Board of Trustees. In order to qualify for the ZIS Diploma a student must attend the Upper School for the full Grade 12 year or the full Grade 11 year and one semester of the Grade 12 year.
A student can earn a ZIS high school diploma based upon successful fulfillment of three requirements: attendance, course credit, and service learning.
Students must satisfactorily complete four years of school beyond Grade 8.
Course Credits
Students must earn 23 credits to graduate. Each year-long course is worth one credit. Over four years, credits must be distributed as follows:
4 English
2 World Languages
3 Social Studies
3 Mathematics
3 Science
2 Creative Arts
2 Physical Education and Health
4 Electives (courses beyond required
23 credits
These are minimum credit requirements for the ZIS Diploma. Most students substantially exceed these requirements. Students enrolled in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme during Grades 11 and 12 must satisfy all requirements stipulated by the IB Organisation in order to qualify for the IB Diploma.
Service Learning
Students are encouraged to care about each other and their environment. Service plays an important role in our students’ learning experience. Therefore it is a part of the graduation requirements for students to participate in direct service within the school, the local community and abroad during Grades 9 and 10.
Honors Diploma
A student who completes the ZIS high school diploma requirements, including three Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) Higher Level certificate courses (in at least two subject areas), maintains a "B" (3.0 GPA) grade average during his/her final four semesters and does not have a grade lower than a "C" in his/her final year, will be awarded the ZIS Diploma with Honors.
ZIS Character Standards
Your child's wellbeing is central to our approach and we support their character development in every aspect of school life.
Continue Exploring
Lower School
Learn more about our Early Childhood and Lower School programs (ages 3-11).
Middle School
Learn more about our Middle School (ages11-14).
How to Apply
Find out how you can apply to ZIS, arrange a visit or contact our Admissions Team