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Carmenza Vásquez

Spanish Teacher (2011-2022)

Carmenza Vásquez has profoundly impacted her students and the ZIS community through her dedication to teaching Spanish and fostering an appreciation for Hispanic cultures.


Carmenza Vasquez, Mattern Award for Alumni Honoree 2024

Her efforts extend beyond the classroom, creating the Barefoot Service Club to engage students in community service and cultural awareness. With her passion, supportive attitude, and ability to inspire, Carmenza is a deserving recipient of this year's John Mattern Alumni Award.

Full Bio

Carmenza Vásquez, born in Colombia, has lived in Switzerland since 2001 and considers it her second home. Her involvement with ZIS as a teacher and parent has been a significant part of her life. At ZIS, she experienced some of her happiest professional moments, teaching engaged students and forming lasting friendships with colleagues.

For nearly 15 years, Carmenza taught various Spanish courses, including AP Spanish, IB Spanish Language and Literature, IB Initio, Native Spanish, and various levels of Spanish acquisition. She passionately shared her love for the Spanish language and Hispanic cultures through her teaching and by organizing cultural events. Additionally, she sponsored the Barefoot Service Club, fostering student engagement in community service.

Although she retired in 2022, Carmenza continues to support the ZIS community as a Spanish tutor, an honorary member of the Barefoot Service Club, and the DELE Spanish exam coordinator. She extends her gratitude to the alumni and parents who nominated her for the John Mattern Award.


Reflective Comments from Nominators

I nominated Carmenza because of her love of her students and profound dedication to the school community. She was always thinking of ways to make her classes more interesting, relevant, and showcase the culture of Spanish-speaking people in the school.
Carmenza is a wonderful teacher...passionate about her work and dedicated to looking after her students.
Carmenza is a very skilled and talented teacher. She really loves the Spanish language and clearly transmits her enthusiasm to the students!