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English as an Additional Language (EAL)


The EAL program is designed to provide academic and social support for non-native speakers of English. The primary purpose of the program is to ensure that all students become proficient in English and achieve academic success. The EAL program helps students participate in mainstream classes to the best of their language proficiency. Therefore, language skills and strategies are integrated with content area and subject matter whenever possible. The second purpose of the program is to promote bilingualism and cultural pluralism. Based on the latest research regarding language and cognitive development, parents are encouraged to help their children maintain and develop their mother tongues. The diverse linguistic and rich cultural backgrounds brought to our school by the non-native English speakers enrich the learning opportunities for all students.

Students who are beginning learners of English need intensive support in order to:

  • learn basic survival English.
  • become oriented into a new school culture.
  • alleviate anxiety and frustration.
  • progress from basic survival English to more complex forms of academic communication to allow for success in mainstream classes.
  • develop confidence and independence.
  • receive appropriate academic and social support.

Students who are learning English are offered support in individualized or small group sessions or within the homeroom class, dependent on need. They are supported by both the homeroom teacher and EAL teacher.