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Aysegul E. Zidouhia, Parent

Aisha Zidouhia, ZIS Parent

In today’s digital age – where children often spend a significant amount of time on their phones and tablets– I think it’s crucial to foster their critical thinking and teamwork skills. That’s why, as a parent of a six-year-old and a 12-year-old who tries to foster these skills in my children daily, I’m supporting the campaign to raise money for solar panels at ZIS, because it actively promotes both these qualities.

In today’s digital age – where children often spend a significant amount of time on their phones and tablets– I think it’s crucial to foster their critical thinking and teamwork skills. That’s why, as a parent of a six-year-old and a 12-year-old who tries to foster these skills in my children daily, I’m supporting the campaign to raise money for solar panels at ZIS, because it actively promotes both these qualities.

Students are learning so many valuable lessons from this project, such as the tangible impact of small steps on environmental sustainability and the importance of taking proactive steps to address pressing issues. They are becoming more aware of environmental issues. And they are empowered to become agents of positive change in their communities.

And, of course, we all know that the money we raise for these panels will not just cut electricity costs over the long term: it will have a considerable environmental impact.

Solar panels don’t just help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reliance on fossil fuels, either: they also promote energy independence and security. They are a very tangible example of renewable energy, too, and will boost the school’s reputation as a sustainable organisation.

I think there is a very strong sense of community at ZIS – so parents, please support the solar panels campaign. It’s a great opportunity to help shape a positive educational experience for your children, as well as contributing to the success of the entire school community.