Home Learning
Home learning at ZIS is different for every child according to their needs. This is what you can expect for your child:
- Reading is the cornerstone of home learning. Teachers will help monitor that students are reading developmentally appropriate material. Reading at home includes being read to, children reading by themselves or with parents, and children discussing the content of the texts they read. It is expected that students will read at home daily. Children may read in any language.
- Differentiated learning tasks to be completed at home will only be given by the teacher where there is a specific educational need based on teacher assessments completed at school.
- As part of their preparation for the transition to Middle School, Grade 5 students may receive additional home learning in Semester two.
- We encourage children to participate in the Swiss community.
- We strongly believe that all Lower School students should have the opportunity to play in structured and unstructured contexts at home or in the community