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Advanced Computer Science II (to 2024/25 only)

Grades: 12

Subject Area/Course Credit: Elective 1 credit or Science 1 credit

Prerequisite: C- or above in Advanced Computer Science I, or teacher recommendation

Advanced Computer Science II covers topics typically covered in a second semester computer science major. The course starts by competing in the Swiss Olympiad of Informatics, putting student's programming skills to the test against all other students in Switzerland interested in computer science. This includes participation in lectures on algorithms and coding camps provided by ETHZ. The next unit will be on cybersecurity where students cover interactive exercises on CyberStart, a leading platform on cybersecurity education. Students will also have the opportunity to complete a custom cybersecurity project of their choosing. Next, students will undertake a video game development / graphics unit where students will combine creativity and programming to create their own games and put them online for other people to play. Finally, the year ends with a machine learning unit where students complete machine learning programming exercises on Kaggle and compete in online competitions against other machine learning enthusiasts.